Friday, January 22, 2010

Texting while Driving

I myself am a big fan of texting, along with almost everybody else around my age. People my age text so much nowadays due to the fact that you can do it almost whenever you want. It does not attract anyone’s attention and you can send messages by texting that you would rather not say out loud over the phone.

I myself am also a big fan of driving, along with almost everyone else around my age. When I am home from college, I spend a good amount of time driving from place to place, visiting friends or going out to eat

With all of this driving and texting I am partaking in, it is almost inevitable that these two activities would overlap. However, the law has just recently made it so that I now do not have the ability to do these two thrilling activities simultaneously. This really annoys me because I do not feel that my texting while driving was causing me to drive any worse than usual. For some people texting has caused them to get into car accidents, however it is very similar to talking on the phone. Talking on the phone has caused car accidents as well but they still allow people to talk on the phone while driving. If texting while driving is illegal, then so should talking on the phone.

I have actually put some thought into this and I have realized that the illegalization of texting while driving, for most people, will actually make it more dangerous. Before it became illegal, people were not worried about anybody seeing them texting. Now, however, people are worried about police officers seeing them texting and arresting them, so people now drive and try to conceal their texting. This makes it more dangerous since people are watching out more for police officers seeing them texting than actually watching the road, thus causing just as many, or even more, accidents than there were before texting while driving was illegalized.

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