Saturday, January 23, 2010

Guitar Hero and Rock Band

Britney Spears is certainly entertaining, but on what merits is she. No doubt she has had a rocky life. First of all, being a child star put her in the spotlight from a very early age. She endured grueling hours and many years being manipulated and molded into who she should be. A few years ago I’m sure everyone remembers the crazy and erratic behavior that landed her in the hospital and losing custody of her children. Are celebrities driven to such behavior by the constant pressure they are put under? What is it like to be put under a microscope and have every detail of your life under close watch? Britney Spears broke out into the pop scene with her innocent school girl look and sweet tone. She moved from innocence into a virtual sexpot. She worked to get a banging body and used it to her every advantage. Her career took a nose drive a few years ago. After the strains of being in everyone’s lenses, Britney seemed to crack. She attacked a paparazzi car with an umbrella then came the now infamous her cut. She walked into a salon and took buzz cutter to her hair, becoming bald Britney. I think Britney is more known for her outrageous and outlandish behavior than she is for her music merits. She is just another pop singer, but her behavior make the people keep coming back for more. I personally went to her Circus concert in March. The concert was a spectacular visual experience, but Britney did not sing one word of it. Britney Spears is known for her lip syncing, and it definitely showed in her concert. During the concert, she said “Merry Christmas,” it was March. So with all of this in mind, what draws us back to Britney? Honestly I think we in some way want to see the rich and famous seem as human as we are. Britney’s antics are what make her a desirable product.

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