Saturday, January 23, 2010

Avatar, USMC and the war today

All things aside Avatar was one of the most overrated movies I have ever seen. I saw the movie the other day in 3D and I give the graphics department a lot of credibility, but the overall plot was far from possible. They made the USMC out to be money hungry and I fear that many viewers would relate it to the war that we are in now. The war in Iraq is about a matter of oil and if you compare the situation that Avatar takes place in and the situation in Iraq now it is very easy to parallel a relation.
In Avatar the USMC uses brute force to invade the foreign territory, their weapons are far more advanced and they do a very large amount of damage to the enemy. President Obama instated that 30,000 more troops be sent to Iraq to “take care” of what we are involved in. The area in Iraq is not always very well developed and there are a lot of issues with communication with the government. I think that the new troops that were recently sent to Iraq brought up a very controversial issue.
What is our goal in Iraq? Are we looking to help bring the country to live and instate a source of guidance for the people there? Are we there to steal their oil and their money? Are we there to just kill them for the attacks on 9/11? Avatar provided a very clear message with the military in the movie. They needed money to fund their operations. The United States is in a huge recession and could absolutely use some money. Oil prices have been all over the place in the last few years.
The question is not about money but instead values. Was the USMC initial goal on planet Avatar tot take their valuable coals? Is our underlying goal to take the oil from Iraq and be the brute force stealing from the country? It is not clear how to answer that question but what is very clear is that the question will be answered over time.

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