Saturday, January 23, 2010


Glee has rocked the country and is moving across the pond to become a breakout sensation in England. Glee recently won a Golden Globe. The dynamic cast and awesome music numbers makes for a highly entertaining and raucous comedy. Who would have thought that this little gem of a show would become such a craze. I know that I watch the show every week without fail. Such a show should by most standards not be popular. Who would have known that a musical show would have become such a smash hit. Glee concentrates on not just the hilarious tribulations of high school students. It is not just a show that follows the lives of the kids that are not so popular in school. This show concentrates on problems that are very identifiable for most people; the struggles with finding out who you really are and accepting yourself as you are. Glee also takes a look at an unfortunately still taboo subject: homosexuality. Most televisions shows about teenagers in high school hardly look at the highly marginalized group of young homosexual teens. In Glee we see a change in this standard. While the exploration of homosexuality is not the main premise of the show, the character of Kurt. We see the problems and stereotypes that follow gay youth. Kurt’s character struggles to deal with dealing with his sexuality as well as the problems and insecurities that come with coming out to his father. Along with such a taboo, we see teen pregnancy. Quinn’s character becomes pregnant in her junior year of high school. While more and more shows are beginning to address teen pregnancy, Glee addresses the emotion issues that affect not only the mother, but the father as well. Glee does a wonderful job addressing the hard issues and attacks the taboos in society head long.

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