Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jennifer Aniston in the Media, Post Brad

Ever since Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt split up, we have seen a lot more of Jennifer in the tabloids. At first, it was all about how heartbroken she was, and how Brad betrayed her. This went on for years. However, in the last year or two, the focus on Jennifer Aniston has strayed to two different areas: babies and men. Have you noticed how the majority of the time we see Jennifer Aniston on the cover of a magazine, it either shows her with her “new man” of the moment or it claims that she’s pregnant? There have been magazines claiming that Jen’s pregnant for years now, and we still have yet to see a baby. It has come to the point where if Jennifer has a hand even close to her stomach, the media will spin it into a story about her pregnant. Or if she’s even seen talking to a guy, the media will make him her newest boyfriend.

In the past year alone, Jennifer has been rumored to have been dating John Mayer, Orlando Bloom, Bradley Cooper and Gerard Butler, only one of which was probably true. The paparazzi take the pictures that can be interpreted in a misleading way to make up a story. The public loves these stories and digest them whenever they can, but it’s important for the public to remember that these stories, more often than not, are just stories. The media can represent certain things in a certain way, making them very deceptive.
I recently saw an episode of The Simpsons that I found to be even more funny than I would have anyways, because it demonstrated a lot of what we’ve been talking about. The episode was called Homerazzi, and in it, Homer becomes one of the paparazzi and it shows the different things he goes through to get a shot of the celebrities. In one scene, Marge tells him to stop exploiting the lives of these celebrities, and Homer says that in actuality, everyone really likes reading those magazines. Then Marge tries to prove him wrong by putting the magazine away, and eventually she can’t take it anymore, and ends up picking it up and reading it. Here’s a link to a clip from the episode.
In Jennifer Aniston’s case, since her single status was a huge factor in the tabloids after her divorce, whenever the paparazzi catches her near a guy, that’s their shot. And that’s the story the media goes with. The last couple of years, it’s been the same thing over and over again. Isn’t there anything else in the tabloid media for Jennifer Aniston besides a new man or a baby?

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