Saturday, January 23, 2010

The College Life via Text is a new “blog” craze that is causing quite a sensation in the young adult community. Known for being a website where people send in text messages from nights they can barely remember through the haze of alcohol, many of the post will have you laughing out loud. Having your texts posted on this site seems to be an honor and has seemingly become the definition of college life. I highly doubt “I stayed in and study all night because I want to succeed in college” would make the grade. Instead, “(214): The parties out here are fucking awesome and I've got the grades to prove it,” prove to be the golden standard of this website. While I’m all for reading such blurbs and laughing over the sheer ridiculousness of them, it makes me wonder what message we’re sending about being in college. If this website was the definitive explanation of college life it could be summed up in three words, hookups, breakups, and blackouts. Is that really all that great and amusing? While these little gems are outrageously entertaining, that fact seems to resonate a little more than what’s comfortable. Has such drunk behavior and reckless sex become entertainment? Has decisions that have possibly dangerous and deadly ramifications become our sport of choice? Every time I read a post now I wonder, is this really what their parents are paying thousands of dollars of year for and is this really the cultural environment of college today: binge drinking and random sex?

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