Saturday, January 23, 2010

Shape Ups

In almost every single magazine you pick up, I guarantee that you will see at least a few advertisements that include some sort of picture of a woman who has, what some would call, the perfect body. A lot of these advertisements can be found in magazines that are directed towards an audience mainly consisting of younger, and teenage, girls. This can result in many problems in these girls as they grow up.

A lot of these kinds of advertisements make girls think that that is how they are supposed to look in order to get the guy from class to like them or whatever the situation may be. One main problem that this causes in girls is eating disorders. As it is, many girls have issues with self-confidence and are always doubting their looks and trying to change whatever they can to make themselves look better in their own eyes. Bringing these advertisements into the equation, it makes it so that these girls also see other women who supposedly have the looks they have a desire for. Girls obtain eating disorders and don’t eat in order to lose all the weight they can.

Another thing that I have noticed which seems pretty ridiculous but supposedly can help women get the body they always wanted are the new Sketchers Shape-Ups. The Sketchers Shape-Ups are a type of shoe that looks pretty strange at first glance due to the strange curve on the bottom of the shoe, but it says in the commercials how it is supposed to make women’s butts bigger and legs more defined or something like that. I feel that this is a good example of how women would go to all lengths in order to get the body they want. I mean, these Sketchers Shape-Ups are a lot better of a way of obtaining a better body than having an eating disorder, but they are both ways in which the media influences them to change the way they are.

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