Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Buried Life Inspiring a Community

MTV has been known to air a number of very dramatic shows on their prime channel hours. An entire show about being a “Guido” is their latest claim to fame. A recent commercial caught my eye where 4 guys are on a mission to complete 100 things that they have wanted to do before they die. The commercial was an effort to smuggle a buddy into the playboy mansion using the same technique as the Trojan hoarse. A friend hidden in a huge cake eagerly awaits his entrance into the castle. It looks like they ultimately get turned down but the entire time I was saying to myself “ha ha, that is so me!”
This movie is so easy to relate to because every person has an intangible list of activities they want to finish before they move on. Weather it is helping kids in Haiti or trying for a peak in the playboy mansion everything involves something that you believe in. The twist to this show is that the 4 guys complete someone else’s dream for each activity they cross off on their own list.
It is an uncommon way to go about a show, the entire plot is travelling the world crossing of a to do list. The main focus I would like to highlight is the reality that this show brings. Gamsen talked a lot about representing yourself and doing so in the way that you believe. This show is unlike any other of its kind in the sense tha you get the best of both worlds. The excitement of a life completing activity accompanied by the completion of a life changing experience for the ones that they effect. The show airs at a great time, people can look up to these 4 guys for a sense of support and see how they have reached their goals. “The list” can be transformed into anything and anything can be substituted on it. Every person has a list of things that they need to put some attention on to go on with their life and The Buried Life inspires them that it is all-possible. The best part is that these guys are no one special. They are regular humans just like you and myself which makes it easier to relate them to someone one that we know or even ourselves. These 4 individuals were inspired to change lives by leading through example and they did so by creating a goal and achieving that goal.

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