Saturday, January 23, 2010

Facebook and Jobs

Over the past few years, Facebook has exploded into a site that almost every high school, college, and post college person has at least checked out. The ability to keep in touch with friends who may not live in the same area or friends who you just need to tell something to, makes Facebook something where many people are flocking towards it. Another cool thing about Facebook is how people are able to put up tons of pictures and can tag themselves in them. In this process, one can compile thousands of pictures on their Facebook profile that has them in it. They can be tagged in pictures from graduation, or just hanging out with some friends. They can also be tagged in pictures where they are taking a hit off a fat blunt or doing a keg stand. On Facebook, it is all possible.

There are many problems that can result because of inappropriate material put on Facebook. With respect to school, teachers have Facebook profiles too, so even though you may think it’s really cool to have a picture of you chugging a beer from the party you went to last Saturday, it probably would not be too good if your teacher happens to see it and decides to not grant you the extension on your paper that was supposed to be due on Monday.

Another thing about Facebook that I actually saw on the news the other day was about how employers will also go onto your Facebook and do some investigative work before you even go into the interview. It is possible that the person you are going in to see to discuss a possible job opportunity already knows that you are not going to get the job solely due to the material that you have on your Facebook profile.

This is a big issue today and it is important for people, especially college students, to understand that they do not need to have themselves tagged in a picture that involves drinking or drugs just because they think it is cool, especially since it could keep them from getting the jobs they want in the future.

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