Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lady Gaga glamorizing suicide?

Lady gaga has recently become a hit artist achieving multiple hits on the pop music chart. It seems like she has been putting out one single after another. Along with her catchy songs, comes a very intriguing personality and stage presence. However, in one of her recent hits, paparazzi, which is about obsession, in the video and MTV award performance, Lady gaga seems to glamorize obsession and suicide. In her performance, she actually simulates a suicidal hanging. While I really enjoy her music, this performance and music video left me feeling uneasy and almost disturbed. I wonder if these types of performances send the messages to some fans that suicide and obsession are glamorous. This relates to many of our readings including Hook, in that some fans idolize celebrities, wanting to emulate their every move. I feel that it is actually very irresponsible for Lady gaga. I feel that celebrities have a certain responsibility to be role good role models. I am not saying that they should live their lives in a way they do not wish to but I think that simulating a suicide sends a message to fans that this is something that is acceptable or normal. In her recent performance on the MTV awards, she acts as if she is obsessing over someone until she can’t take it anymore so she hangs herself from the ceiling. Throughout this performance, she is dancing and singing, making this act seem as if it is acceptable. I feel that MTV never should have aired this performance and I truly hope it did not have too much of an impact on her fans. This performance did not necessarily make me become less of a Lady gaga fan but I only like her music. I am not a fan of her as a person. While everything I am saying does seem to be negative about Lady gaga, I think that she is actually very smart. We have discussed throughout this course that negative attention or scandal most often causes the fan base to grow for celebrities. I think this is why Lady Gaga continues to perform so outrageously and wear crazy outfits. But do you think that networks should be showing these types of performances and videos?

MTV award video:

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