Saturday, January 23, 2010

Facebook Stalking defines Facebook stalking as, “a covert method of investigation using… good for discovering a wealth of information about people you don’t actually know.” The word stalker has taken on a new meaning in recent years. It used to mean someone who physically followed another person and was infatuated with finding information about that person so that they could stalk them. Stalking has seemingly lost its meaning, now it can simply mean looking up information about a person you don’t or barely know. Facebook and other social networking sites have given its users the option of keeping their profiles private so these people can’t have access to dangerous information, but some people have opted not to use this feature. Also, some people accept friend requests from people they don’t know which allows them access to the information anyways.

Social networking sites have become a dangerous place, especially for those who don’t protect their profiles. This leaves room for real stalkers to potentially harass or even worse.

People also need to worry about how they are portraying themselves on these sites. According to Bell, we create an identity online whether we know it or not. Whatever we post on facebook, myspace, or twitter can be seen by lots of people in the online world. It can be dangerous when girls post sexual pictures of themselves. This gives perverts and pedophiles a reason to want to find out more information about you which can be a very dangerous thing.

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