Friday, January 22, 2010

How Do They Know That? and Why?

Recent reports state that Tiger Woods has checked in to a Sex addict rehabilitation clinic in Mississippi. This maybe just a ploy to get the public to say, "hey he is getting help and he is getting what he needs and he will be back to playing golf before long." He has put a big burden on himself and it may take a while for people to get passed it because the media played such a big role in this case. If the media had not gotten involved because it really was not a story that needed to be told to everyone but it got out and got out fast. If the media would leave him alone it would probably blow over pretty fast but we all know that will never happen. I think by the time that we are all passed it he will be back in the golf world and ESPN will have to announce that this is his first day back on the greens since his big scandal.

The Paparazzi has been watching the Rehabilitation Clinic like hawks because today the National Enquirer released that Tiger Woods checked out of Sex Rehab only to find out that it was an impostor wearing the same clothes that Tiger checked in with. Many Paparazzi took pictures of the impostor. One photo agency website actually bought the photo only to find out it was a fake.

What I am really getting at is that the paparazzi and the national enquirer new from the moment that they saw the look alike that it was not him. They noticed things like his socks being to high, and Tiger only wears ankle socks, his legs were not hairy enough and his arm were to long. These are the kinds of things that only you significant other should know. I understand it is their job to take pictures of celebrities and sell them but the man is in rehab. He clearly knows he did something wrong and paparazzi is not helping at all. At this point they are crossing the lines in to being a stalker.

Our culture does not know when to stop with celebrities and public figures. If myself were to go out and cheat on my wife with 100 women it would never make even the newspaper. Yes, What Tiger did was wrong and I feel like he knows that but now the media has gone so far to wait outside his rehab clinic and announce to everyone that he is a sex addict. This ruined his reputation and a lot of his life and it could have been just a closed door personal matter.

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